So, here we are. In all honesty I have been meaning to start my blog for what feels like years. There was always something else up in the list, the list that never ends. If it wasn’t something that had to do with moving from country to country, it was just plane being a mother, you name it.

Let’s get to it. The past few months I’ve been –yet again– trying to put the new home together, tying up lose ends, getting my driver’s license (long story short, mine is not valid in this country). Also, I’ve been looking for a full time job after years of being a stay at home mom. Have I succeeded? No.

There are lots of reasons behind that hard no. I could start by saying I feel like I’ve been virtually pushed out of the job market. I am a journalist and have been writing for different magazines over de span of a decade or so. What do I love? To create great content, to engage the reader, to give out useful tips. But most of all, I like to write about things I love, things that I feel can make a difference in this world. As it turns out, that doesn’t “sell”.

The job openings that seem most aligned with my professional experience all have to do with SEO, metadescriptions and TikTok (screams in millennial). Yes, it is clear my set of skills are not longer enough, at least by most company standards. In the worst cases, they even ask you to design (ehem, there is a whole career for that and it is called GRAPHIC DESIGN), speak more than three languages and hey, don’t expect a decent salary because you are not a software developer or anything like that.

I will admit that all of this was completely foreseeable. After all, times change. But also, people change, their priorities evolve and with them, the paths in life they choose. So, I guess it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Should I pull my sleeves up and learn the damn SEO basics? Should I pursue a totally different career path? Who knows…

What I do know, is that if I could go back in time I wouldn’t change a thing. Getting to spend all this time with my son has been a gift and something I would never ever regret. Being a mother means many things, including the fact that it becomes number one on your list of priorities and there is no need to justify this fact and much less apologize.

For now, I am just going to enjoy what is. The rest of the Spanish summer ahead, my little one enjoying his first bike right before he goes off to school, a couple of weeks at the beach and, why not? Drinks on a cool terrace (provided the in laws can babysit a couple of hours, of course). Cheers!