Well, it looks like I am back. Truth be told, I have had a changing relationship with this practice throughout the years… let us say fifteen (give or take). I am that person who introduces the whole family to spirituality, holistic knowledge and, why not? Also yoga.

I always knew that this ancient eastern tradition was deep-rooted and very positive in many ways. It can help you calm the mind, the body and the soul. Yes, very nice… until you come face to face with your first series of sun salutations and you wonder if perhaps you are going to need assistance getting home, or to your car.

The first few years of practice were hard, but they made me feel proud. I am the least “sporty” person in the world you can imagine and still, I found a place I could go to when I needed to move my body, and also when I wanted to stay still… yoga is weird and beautiful that way.

After years of being in an on and off relationship with it, I can say that every time I start over I feel it in every fiber of my being (not to mention the sore muscles). It is easy to get lost in the asanas, trying to get the pose just right; but I have come to learn that perfection is not the goal of yoga… far from it. If you practice with patience and above all, love for yourself, you will have succeeded.

Breath in, breath out: it sounds easy enough. In time, you realize the whole practice has to be built around the rhythm of your breath. If you inhale and exhale properly and allow your body to move intuitively, you will find a new world of wellbeing waiting for you. Be present. Every time you practice in pure presence, you are showing up for yourself, and that is something wonderful.

Do your practice and all is coming”. – K. Patthabi Jois