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To be perfectly imperfect

Have you ever tried really hard to do something and then feel that it is never good enough? That it is not exactly as it should be? Lately, it seems everything we do can be criticized.

What does it mean to be successful?

Success is a very powerful word but how do you actually measure it? Is it about having a great professional career? Maybe how much money you make? Did you manage to buy a house?

Three decades of Backstreet Boys

It feels like it was only yesterday when I spent my days learning the lyrics and listening to their songs. Even though I thought those years were long gone, last week I got to reminisce and, oh, it was fun!

Hello yoga, my old friend

It is easy to get lost in the asanas, trying to get the pose just right; but I have come to learn that perfection is not the goal of yoga… far from it.

The white island

The beauty of this place is astonishing; it has that cool vibe that makes you instantly feel relaxed. Welcome to Mykonos!

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