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To have a second child

It is amazing how sometimes you just feel the calling, and oh, it is strong. It does not care about your pros and cons lists.

Strutting around the fashion capital

Picture this: IL Duomo de Milano right in front of you, pigeons flying everywhere, a soft guitar in the distance and a singer that melts your heart with the latest pop song but it is the acoustic version. The Vittorio Emmanuelle galleries grand entrance on your left.

4 years later

It is hard to imagine how not so long ago I could not even go to the bathroom alone or take my eyes off him while he played; I was afraid he might get hurt or maybe burn the house down.

What does it mean to be successful?

Success is a very powerful word but how do you actually measure it? Is it about having a great professional career? Maybe how much money you make? Did you manage to buy a house?

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