The first time I arrived on Iceland, there were not many tourists, you could count the hotels downtown with one hand and the prices on everything were MUCH lower. It was 2009 and my best friend had been living there for a couple years. I had just quit my very first job and I simply thought why not? When will I have the time and money to have this adventure again?

Off I went, my flight landed on Keflavik airport on a sunny late May morning. For the average local, it was the glorious beginning of summer. You could see the happy Icelanders sporting t-shirts, shorts and even sandals. I on the other hand, had never felt such strong wind in my life. Needless to say, I had to borrow a winter jacket right away. I was very lucky to be able to stay at my friend’s house for over a month, to get to know some of the most beautiful natural landscapes you can imagine and experience all these from a local perspective.

I remember going on the road and simply watching in awe what looked like the surface of the moon. The moss on the rocks and the general feeling in the air was a very different and peculiar ride. This island essentially looks like a nature theme park (yes, I know how silly that sounds), designed to let you soak in everything earth has to offer and to really feel how you become one with it.

The waterfalls, the endless (and surprisingly very green) mountains, the fascinating fauna, the black beaches, the lakes with giant pieces of ice floating around… how to choose one favorite thing? Let us not forget about the interesting Viking culture and all the mystery that surround the sagas, the tales of the elves and the exploding geysers. The geographic position (Arctic Circle) presented me with the opportunity to see the midnight sun and after that trip, I was never the same. Obviously, all travels change you in some way, but this one was one for the books.

In 2017, I was fortunate enough to go back, this time with my husband. I think we spent roughly a week there, in a perfectly convenient touristic apartment located right next to my friend’s house and it was just as wonderful as I recalled. We rented a car and did the Golden Circle tour (Thingvellir National Park, Geysir and Gullfoss). Then we covered a couple of the most spectacular waterfalls (Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss), drove a little farther and reached the famous black beach (Vík). Of course, we made sure to devote a whole day for the Blue Lagoon experience (it is expensive but oh so worth it).

Honestly, I do not know whether I will ever go back to such magical place, but just the fact that I was able to visit twice is enough to make my soul happy.