Something amazing happened. My husband and I (well, mostly me but I ended up convincing him) decided to go on a romantic trip after three and a half-ish years of nonstop parenting our little boy. With nonstop I mean absolutely no breaks, no date nights, no occasional baby-sitting, and no grandparents close by to help from time to time. I think you get the gist of what I am trying to say… Our first “child free” vacation ever since we began the adventure called parenthood.

I realize as I am writing this, it does not sound very good. Nevertheless, at the same time I acknowledge this feeling comes from the deep social programming (aka mom guilt) we all live in. Of course we love our little one, also, of course we enjoyed five days just the two of us. It is no secret to anyone that once a baby comes into the equation, life with your partner as you knew it seizes to exist.

However, back to what concerns us in this post, this beautiful time to reconnect as a couple actually happened, and it was glorious! The destination: Mykonos, Greece. It was our first time in that beautiful country and it did not disappoint. We were there to relax and not to do the “touristy” stuff so much, but still, we did manage to visit some great locations like de famous windmills and the old port.

The beauty of this place is astonishing; it has that cool vibe that makes you instantly feel relaxed. The signature white houses with the little blue doors and windows are just so dreamy. As it turns out, they need to have this special kind of paint to avoid corrosion from all the sea salt in the air (especially during wintertime).

Now let us talk food. As vegetarians, it tends to be difficult to find a spot to taste the local cuisine in a veggie version. This time luck was on our side, because we discovered Rhino Vegan Street Food. In the heart of downtown Mykonos, a little restaurant with small prices and great flavors… vegan flavors no less! A spectacular Greek gyro filled with jackfruit, fries and guacamole and the local beer (Mikònu)… what else do you need?

Of course, other cute places also offered a decent amount of vegetarian options as well. For example, pasta with pesto, olives, tomato and feta cheese (basically a Greek salad with pasta).

How about accommodation? Well, I guess there are all types of hotels and hostels available in the island, but if you want to have the whole Mykonian experience, your wallet is going to suffer. Breath taking views, balconies with private infinity pools to die for, hotel staff super attentive to your every need/special request/wimp; I think you are getting the picture. The downside; it is all hills. The hotels themselves have thousands of stairs to get to your villa, to reach the restaurant, the reception, etc…

Now, when you try to go out and walk what seems like a small distance to downtown it gets trickier. I mean we were staying in a very convenient location after all (Kouros Boutique Hotel), but we did not know there are literally no sidewalks to walk on. You find yourself going up and down a steep hill trying to avoid being run over by a car or a motorbike. Bottom line: for such a famous vacation spot, with at least four cruises docking there almost every day, the lack of infrastructure is unbelievable. I am sorry, but it had to be said.

We also had a chance to visit a very cool beach. We had to get there hiring a private driver because fun fact: there are only 30 regular taxis in Mykonos. Kalo Livadi is located far from the typical crowded beaches were you cannot even walk or try and swim, this little piece of heaven did not come cheap, truth be told. Even though, we chose the least expensive beach club available (Lohan Beach House, owned by Lindsay Lohan herself). However, it was definitely worth it. Our first deep on the Aegean Sea was awesome!

Another curious thing we found was that even the locals encourage you to explore some of the much less know Greek islands, which are obviously cheaper and probably not as crowded. I guess next we will try to visit Crete or Corfu. Having said all this, I still think a trip to Mykonos with your better half is definitely a very cool experience to have, at least once.