When I became a mother, I never expected everything that followed. Probably nobody does, no matter how many books you try to read. There is no real warning. Postpartum was such a wild ride for me and the years to come were not a piece of cake either; that I never in a million years imagined I would take the plunge for a second time. Yet here we are, five years later… pregnant.

I have to admit, for the first three years it was a hard no from both of us. To top it all off, we are adventurous souls that like to live here and there, never in the so-called “comfort” of having family near. That of course means zero free babysitting courtesy of the grand parents or uncles, aunts, etc… This is in no way a source of drama for us, but it is certainly also not a thing to put under “pros” to have more children.

It is amazing how sometimes you just feel the calling, and oh, it is strong. It does not care about your pros and cons lists. I still find it hard to explain, even to myself. The next part is where it becomes more interesting, being pregnant with a little one frolicking around is no easy task. Even better, if you get nausea and extreme fatigue during the first trimester, like I did. Each pregnancy is a total mystery, no doubt.

Well, today I am 24 weeks pregnant with my daughter. Which means I get to do it all over again. It is hard to imagine loving another child as much as you love your first. Yes, I am aware everyone says the love does not divide, but it multiplies. Still, it is very odd to think about. For five years, I have devoted all my time, my patience and my unconditional love to my son. Will I feel guilty he has to “share me” now? Probably. However, I understand it is all part of this new stage of life.